Thursday, February 23, 2023

Safety Safety Safety

Let's talk about School Safety! School Safety affects all individuals associated with the establishment. It affects parents, students, staff, and those associated with those individuals. Here in the 21st century (in the U.S.), when school safety is mentioned it typically has a negative connotation. With so many people affected by a lack of school safety in the states, and the increase in school violence/aggressive actions committed against schools increasing as time goes on, the pressure is rising on schools to come up with ideas that increase safety.
School Crossing Sign
This pressure affects our staff and students. When administrators feel pressure to make decisions they typically push that issue onto their educators. The stress gained from this pressure flows from educators to students directly. With all of that being said, it is important to understand the affects school safety has on the culture and climate of the school. Students learn better when they feel like they are in a supportive, safe environment. If a student feels unsafe in their school for reasons such as bullying or violence, it is crucial to assess those situations and develop ways in which the school can assist in fixing those issues. Schools should create a culture and climate that reflects the importance of teacher/student relationships so that students feel safe going to their educators for help in troubling situations. 

 I believe school safety should be directly tied to the establishment's culture and climate. In a previous blog I discussed how impactful the ideals of a school can affect its students and staff. I believe that it is crucial for a school to address how they plan on dealing with violent situations and how they will reinforce the importance of each individual's safety. This ideal should reflect a protection to learn and connect with others in a nurturing, positive environment.

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Digital Story of the Underground Railroad

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